Version Control is a type of system that keeps track of and records all the changes that are made to files that are held in it. These changes can be viewed and recalled to see if something was done on accident and when it was done. The reason version controls are important is because they help manage all the files we use and make sure that we can access them later on in case something happens like an application crashes and a file is lost. It's an interesting thing to learn about because most people always get scared when their Word application starts being unresponsive and they lose their 2000 word essay that they forgot to save periodically.
Version Control Systems are a type of software that helps keep everything together. Version control is the actual act of keeping everything in check, but the version control system is the thing that actually keeps everything together. These systems automatically store who made a change to a file, what day and time they were changed, the difference between the most current version, and the last saved version, and it as well combines changes to a single file. All the files exist on the same repository where multiple people can access them. These are very useful because in the IT field, its very rare to work on a project alone.
Remote Repositories are storage centers that are located on a server. These repositories allow multiple users access to the repository hosted on the server and lets users send and retrieve data. These remote repositories are really beneficial because whenever a project is assigned, multiple people will be involved. These types of tools help everyone access files and information without worrying about interfering with anyone else. This goes well with version control systems because these repositories are stored on these systems. This topic interests me because I know that I will be utilizing it a lot later down in my life.
Similar to the remote repository, local repositories are used to store files and other types of information. But whats different, is that these repositories are found on local systems such as a personal computer. These storage systems are used by a single user and they keep track of all the files that a user uses. These are important because this is what is used most of the time in our everyday computer systems and it helps us know where our files are in case we need to access them again.
Git is a type of version control system that has developed into the most used system. Git prides itself with being the fastest version control system and offers many different tools to help benefit its users when utilizing its services. Just like my description of the version control system, Git stores and manages files and processes that multiple users have access to. This is relevant because we are currently utilizing Github in order to keep track of all of our files. This is my first time utilizing any Git services and so far its good.